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Law in the Digital Economy

Unser Team

Assistenzprofessorin für Recht und Wirtschaft / Vizedirektorin
Assistenzprofessorin für Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht / Vizedirektorin
Frangi Bassani
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin & Doktorandin


The article analyzes the Bolsa Família Program as an “information value chain” and observes, drawing from interviews and citizen complaints, data justice aspects and impacts of datafication of the cash transfer program for its beneficiaries, in particular regarding privacy and gender. In the analysis, the procedural, the rights-based and distributive dimensions along the information chain that informs and feeds the PBF are considered.



Regulierung von Künstlicher Intelligenz in der Schweiz

Bald sollen die ersten Regulierungsvorschläge des Bundesrates zur künstlichen Intelligenz veröffentlicht werden. Die Vize-Direktorinnen des ILE, Miriam Buiten und Mariana Valente, laden zur 2. KI-Konferenz im Rahmen des Law & Tech Lab ein, dem sie mit vier weiteren Professoren der Universität St. Gallen angehören. Das Programm verspricht, verschiedene Themen anzusprechen, die für die zukünftige Regulierung von grosser Bedeutung sind. Melden Sie sich heute noch an!

Author: Manuela Leuenberger

Date: 22. Januar 2025

Working Paper No. 2024-22

This thesis addresses the significant issue of trademark counterfeiting on online marketplaces, with a specific focus on luxury goods. The distinctive characteristics of trademarks, rooted in consumer perception and the associated prestige, make luxury goods prime targets for counterfeiters. The anonymity and global reach of the internet facilitate the distribution of counterfeit goods, posing challenges for trademark owners to protect their intellectual property effectively. This paper investigates the extent to which current Swiss law provides civil liability for online marketplaces in cases of trademark counterfeiting. Through a comprehensive economic and legal analysis based on literature and case law, the supply and demand characteristics of counterfeit goods are explored and the effectiveness of the existing liability framework in mitigating this issue is assessed. The findings reveal that Swiss law predominantly relies on strict liability for negative actions, with considerable legal uncertainty surrounding reparatory actions. Although there is no specific duty of care mandated for platform providers under current Swiss trademark law, the enhanced protection for famous trademarks offers a viable defence for luxury brands, particularly through keyword blocking on internal search engines. The paper proposes a negligence-based liability framework, featuring a “Good Samaritan” clause, to encourage platforms to take reasonable steps against counterfeiting without the risk of over-removal of legitimate offers.

Author: Manuela Leuenberger

Date: 17. Januar 2025

Digital Policy Leadership Program

🌍✨ From November 14th to 15th, Professor Mariana Valente accompanied the 2024.01 and 2025.1 cohorts of the Digital Policy Leadership Program (DPLP) on an visit to international organizations in Geneva.

The DPLP is a semester-long exchange program between students from the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, and Insper, Brazil. Funded by the Lemann Foundation, its mission is to train the next generation of leaders in digital policy for both countries.

During the visit, students got a firsthand look at the international ecosystem driving conversations on digital trade, intellectual property, and other key issues.

📍 Day 1

  • A visit to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) kicked things off with a presentation into its efforts to protect innovators’ and creators’ ideas across borders.
  • Over lunch with Marcelo Daher, Human Rights Officer for Freedom of Expression at the OHCHR, students explored the UN system and the impact of information integrity on human rights.
  • At the DiploFoundation, Marilia Maciel, Head of Digital Commerce and Internet Policy, shared an overview of Geneva’s vibrant digital policy scene and ongoing global negotiations.
  • The day wrapped up at the Brazilian Mission to the WTO, where Minister-Counselor Erika Watanabe Patriota and Brazilian diplomats shared their perspectives on Brazil’s position in discussions about digital governance.

📍 Day 2

  • At UNCTAD, students had the chance to meet Alexander Riveros, Chief of the Director’s Office for the Division on Technology and Logistics, and economist Laura Cyron. Students learned how UNCTAD helps developing countries harness technology for inclusive and sustainable growth and got to chat directly with the experts behind the 2024 Digital Economy Report.
  • The visit ended with a guided tour of the iconic Palais des Nations, led by Mazin Khan from UNITAR, giving students a glimpse into Geneva’s rich diplomatic history.

Applications are now open for the DPLP Fall 2025 for HSG students!

The deadline for submissions is 12 December 2024, at 16:00 (CET).

🌐 For further information, please visit the program’s webpage.

Author: Manuela Leuenberger

Date: 10. Dezember 2024

Applications Open: Exchange Semester at Insper, São Paulo, Brazil

🌎📚 Applications Open: Exchange Semester at Insper, São Paulo, Brazil + Digital Policy Leadership Program (Fall 2025)

Apply for the Digital Policy Leadership Program (DPLP)—a semester-long exchange for bachelor students from the University of St.Gallen and Insper, São Paulo, funded by the Lemann Foundation.

Why join?
Explore some of the most pressing questions in data privacy, intellectual property, information integrity, platform accountability, and innovation within diverse and dynamic global contexts.

What’s in it for you?
– Leadership workshops to enhance career planning and decision-making skills.
– Academic courses on digital governance and emerging technologies.
– Research opportunities, mentorship, and access to Geneva’s policymaking hub.
– Lead the Digital Policy Day.

What’s covered?
Flights, accommodation, and boarding in São Paulo, plus travel and expenses for capacity-building and networking events.

📅 Application deadline: 12 December 2024, 16:00 (CET).

💻 Info session: 27 November 2024, 17:00 (CET) – join via

📧 Got questions?

Academic queries: Prof. Dr. Mariana Valente () or Isabella Bassani ().
Application-related inquiries: HSG Exchange Program Office ().

Author: Manuela Leuenberger

Date: 27. November 2024

Introducing the Digital Policy Leadership Program (DPLP)!

The DPLP is an exchange program that brings together students from Insper in Brazil and the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland, funded by the Lemann Foundation and supported by the Law and Economics Foundation. Designed to develop the next generation of digital policy and Internet governance leaders, the program is open to bachelor’s students from both institutions and encourages participation from diverse academic backgrounds.

We are welcoming our first cohort of students, who started their fellowship with a tailored visit to the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee ( on August 7th. is the most important organization in promoting and coordinating Internet governance and development in Brazil. Students had an overview of the different activities it undertakes and how it tackles the challenges in governing the internet in a country of continental dimensions. Now we are about to welcome the Brazilian students in Switzerland!

Throughout the DPLP, participants from both schools will engage in classes, collaborative research projects, and special events such as visits to Geneva and self-organized events. These experiences provide them with interdisciplinary knowledge exchange and hands-on skills needed to make a real impact on digital policy in the future.

Want to be part of this transformative experience? Learn more about the DPLP and how you can apply!

Author: Manuela Leuenberger

Date: 10. September 2024

Brazilian Supreme Court mandated a national shutdown of X/Twitter

Last Friday, the Brazilian Supreme Court mandated a national shutdown of X/Twitter following the platform’s non-compliance with court orders to block certain users’ profiles. This action came after Twitter announced the closure of its Brazilian headquarters without appointing a legal representative. This escalated tensions with the court, particularly with Justice Alexandre de Moraes, whom Elon Musk has been openly criticizing on the platform.

The dynamics are complex: Justice Moraes has been particularly important and active in countering anti-democratic threats over recent years. There are questions about the justifiability of his practices outside these contexts and the necessary actions to validate his decisions. Mariana Valente, Assistant professor at University of St.Gallen and Director at InternetLab, São Paulo talked about this with the New York Times.

Author: Manuela Leuenberger

Date: 4. September 2024

Wegweisende Konferenz zur KI-Regulierung am 22. März 2024

Die beiden Vizedirektorinnen Mariana Valente und Miriam Buiten organisieren gemeinsam mit dem HSG Law & Tech Lab eine wegweisende Konferenz zur Regulierung von Künstlicher Intelligenz. Dieses spannende Event wird am 22. März 2024 im Technopark Zürich stattfinden.

Es erwartet Sie ein fesselndes Programm mit einer inspirierenden Keynote von Bundesrat Beat Jans sowie Fachvorträgen und Podiumsdiskussionen mit führenden Persönlichkeiten aus Wissenschaft und Praxis.

Melden Sie sich jetzt an und werden Sie Teil dieser wegweisenden Diskussion! Nutzen Sie die Gelegenheit, Ihr Netzwerk zu erweitern und sich mit Experten auf diesem Gebiet auszutauschen.

Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Teilnahme und auf einen inspirierenden Tag voller Erkenntnisse und Diskussionen.

Author: Manuela Leuenberger

Date: 6. März 2024

Neuer Fachbereich: Law in the Digital Economy

Der neue Fachbereich untersucht die Regulierung digitaler Phänomene wie Plattformen oder AI. Prof. Dr. Miriam Buiten und Prof. Dr. Mariana Valente forschen in diesem Bereich und publizieren laufend Ihre Ergebnisse.

Author: Manuela Leuenberger

Date: 31. Juli 2023


Digital Policy Leadership Program

Student Exchange between the University of St.Gallen and INSPER.